Friday, March 14, 2014

Developer Toolkit - Essentials

I've made a post before about developer toolkits and stuff to add to them, but I haven't really mentioned the essentials.  In today's post, I'm going to go over items that I use almost on a daily basis.  Sometimes, I don't even realize I am using them because they are part of my boilerplate.  Let's get started:

1. HTML5 Boilerplate

This is basically an HTML5 ready template to get started with your projects.  It includes a lot of stuff that I'm going to go over, but I have just started using this boilerplate. Before, I had to download everything separately.

2. Normalize.css / Reset.css

These stylesheets reset CSS so that your document is pretty much clean from styling.  It's a great way to start projects because you don't have to tackle with any predefined CSS styles.  These stylesheets are also great for browser compatibility.  For example, a line height might look different across several computers.

3. HTML5 Shiv

This makes older versions of IE understand HTML5 tags.  Very useful, but it looks like the days of supporting XP are numbered.

4. jQuery

Download the full or minified versions and slap them on your <head> tag. This is the most popular Javascript library out there.

5. Modernizr

Another Javascript library.  This one checks to see if your browser has certain features.

6. Adobe Kuler

This tool is more for a designer, but I have really grown to enjoy the application.  It comes in both a desktop and mobile version.  It basically helps you choose color palettes.  You can also take pictures with your phone and it will auto detect the color palette of the picture.

That's about it for my toolkit.  Again, these are my most-used tools.  There are plenty of tools out there and I ocassionally I will use them, but these are a must-have.

Take care and stay tuned for more updates!

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