Thursday, February 27, 2014

Twitter: Who to Follow?

Twitter is inescapable.  With 200 million active users, Twitter is one of the most successful start-up companies of all time.  Twitter also just recently joined the NY Stock Exchange.  With that many heads talking, Twitter can provide a great wealth of knowledge and resources for any subject. With that said, Twitter should be a part of every web developers toolkit and should be treated as a resource.

Informative websites and founding developers can both be found on Twitter, but for this week, we will target some important people to follow so that you can get up to date information straight from the people developing the future.  In a sense, you’ll get to see history be written in the development community.  Ok, let’s not get too geeky here.

Developer Twitter Accounts:

John Resig - @jeresig
John is the founder of jQuery, which is by far the most popular Javascript library.  John currently lives in Brooklyn, NY and is working at the Khan Academy.  Previously, he worked for Mozilla.

Eric A. Meyer - @meyerweb
Eric Meyer is best known for his writings on web standards and cascading style sheets (CSS).  He is an active writer and has published several books.  He is also extremely active on Twitter with over 23,000 tweets.

Jeffrey Way - @jeffrey_way
Jeffrey Way is an extremely active voice within the developing community.  He frequently writes at Nettuts+, where he breaks down concepts into easy to digest tutorials. He is the founder of Laracasts.

Paul Irish - @paul_irish
Paul was previously on the jQuery team for a few years, but has switched to the Google Chrome Developer relations team.  He created the HTML5 boilerplate and also created the familiar Modernizr tool.

That’s it for now, but keep it mind there are hundreds of developers actively tweeting!  On top of developers, there are also website gathering resources on Twitter such as Nettuts+. 

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