Friday, February 21, 2014

Resource Roundup - Keep Your Skills Up To Date With These Five Resources

Coding is similar to every other profession in that one needs to keep up to date with their knowledge and skill sets so that they don't fall behind.  This is possibly true for coding more so than any other profession because the technology changes so rapidly.  If you fall behind, you might fall out of your job.

Luckily, the coding community is an active bunch of bloggers, writers, and networkers.

In this week’s blog post, I’ll share some of my favorite resources that I have been following since my venture into front end development.

For Beginners:

If you have never coded a single line of text in your life, then CodeCademy is a great stepping-stone towards front end development.  It has detailed, interactive tutorials on multiple languages including HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, Python, and Ruby.

For Everybody:

Hey, designer! is a great resource for both developers and designers.  A small portion of my blog is dedicated to web design, so why not share a resource that has both subjects underneath one website?  Hey, designer! is basically a resource gathering board; all of the links lead to external sites.  Posts range from educational blurbs about design to in depth JavaScript library tutorials. The best part of the site is the trending section, which shows which articles have been clicked on the most for the day, week, or month.

If you’re looking for a once a week update that comes as one newsletter, these resources are great.  Once a week, an email will be sent in a newsletter format with the latest news surrounding each subject.  Each newsletter features a featured section, code and tools, watch, read, and a job openings section (ding ding!).  I recommend signing up for both.

Here’s an example issue for HTML5:

Like art, checking out other people’s work is a part of being an artist.  It keeps you on your toes, culturally up to date, and it might spark some inspiration. is a great resource if you want to see what other people are doing.  Projects are hosted on Codepen with all of their code available for the world to see.  Most creations are on the brink of falling apart, but these people are trying to push the boundaries of coding.  However, when something works well and you want to use it on your site, you are able to by just copying and pasting the code.  Everything is shared.  After all, everything is stolen from somewhere nowadays.  You just have to steal correctly.

I saved the best for last.  Yes, I meant to capitalize the; this resource is the resource to end all resources. I’m not sure who this person is, but they have combined every front end development resource out there into one, easy to navigate document.  Everything is split up into categories, so it’s easy to digest.  It might take you a year to go through it all, but it is definitely worth playing with.  And look, it’s hosted on GitHub.  This could be a project that a lot people have worked on.

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